Pope Sends Condolences on Sept. 11 Anniversary

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

In a letter to New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan marking the tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Pope Benedict XVI condemned the violence of that day, saying that the tragedy was compounded by the perpetrators’ claim to be acting in God’s name.

“It is my fervent prayer that a firm commitment to justice and a global culture of solidarity will help rid the world of the grievances that so often give rise to acts of violence and will create the conditions for greater peace and prosperity, offering a brighter and more secure future,” the pope wrote.

He commended the American people “for the courage and generosity that they showed in the rescue operations and for their resilience in moving forward with hope and confidence.”

However, he said that the terrorist attack itself was “compounded by the perpetrators’ claim to be acting in God’s name. Once again, it must be unequivocally stated that no circumstances can ever justify acts of terrorism. Every human life is precious in God’s sight and no effort should be spared in the attempt to promote throughout the world a genuine respect for the inalienable rights and dignity of individuals and peoples everywhere.”

Pope Benedict made it a point to visit Ground Zero when he visited the U.S. in 2008 where he blessed the spot where the World Trade Towers once stood and expressed hope for “a world where true peace and love reign.”

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The photo of the Pope at Ground Zero in 2008 is by Max Rossi of Reuters.

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