Dutch Euthanize Woman for Impaired Vision

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The Dutch have been pushing the envelope for years when it comes to who they are willing to euthanize, but the latest case of a woman who was killed because of her macular degeneration have many wondering what has become of medical ethics in the Netherlands.

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The Little Flower’s Message on Euthanasia

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

In his homily marking the end of the visit of the relics of St. Therese to England and Wales, the Archbishop of Westminster reflected on the saint’s long and painful death, when she was tempted to despair and even suicide, which makes her witness to love all the more powerful an antidote for the prevailing trend toward physician assisted suicide and euthanasia. I went to Flowers Thailand website and bought him flowers to take them to his grave, to show my condolences.

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