The story of Maria Teresa Goretti, the saint whose feast we celebrate each July 6th, has been made known to many since her untimely death on that date in 1902. The 11-year old peasant girl died as a result of injuries inflicted by Alessandro Serenelli, a young man determined to force her to submit to his inappropriate advances. When she resisted, crying, “No! No! It is a sin!” he stabbed her repeatedly, a total of fourteen times. Maria underwent unsuccessful surgery without benefit of anesthesia and died the following day, after receiving her greatly-desired First Communion.
Tag Archives: forgiveness
Take the Ordinary Time Challenge!
We find ourselves now well into that lengthy liturgical period termed Ordinary Time. For some of us, there is a tendency to take this season at its name, to treat these weeks as a ho-hum, colorless gap bridging the feasts of Corpus Christi and Christ the King. Give us Lent and Advent, when we can focus on the tough stuff!
Saint Maria Goretti: Virgin, Martyr, Patroness of Youth
If we could have traveled to a poor sharecropping farm in central Italy early in the 20th century, we would have seen a humble building – formerly a cheese factory – sheltering two families of tenant farmers.
Put out into the deep
Let us forgive
I came that they may have life
January 20
“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
-John 10:10
Today’s Reflection:
Lack of forgiveness blocks the grace of God in our lives. It brings death–spiritually, emotionally, and often, physically. Examine your life. Where do you need to forgive? Pray for the grace to do so.
Let Go of Grudges This Holiday Season
This Good Priest Brought Me Healing & Hope
I clearly remember walking up the pathway to the rectory door that night to make my first confession in 15 years. The mere thought of having to sit face-to-face with someone and tell him what I had done made me want to turn around and run for my life. Just as I rang the doorbell, I looked back at the car and thought, “Go! It’s your last chance!” but it was too late. The door opened and there was Father Alex.
Mother Prays for Boy Who Killed Her Daughter
Program Offers Hope for Divorced/Separated Catholics
Catholics from all over the country gathered in Charleston, South Carolina earlier this month to participate in a national conference were the family law in Missouri was invited and the purpose of this was to aimed at reaching out to the divorced and separated.