Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

June 11
Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
“From the depths of my nothingness, I prostrate myself before Thee,
O Most Sacred, Divine and Adorable Heart of Jesus, to pay Thee all the homage of love, praise and adoration in my power. Amen.”
-St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Today’s Reflection
What does the Sacred Heart of Jesus mean to me? How can I demonstrate my devotion today?

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Go courageously to God

June 10
“Go courageously to God, along the way He has traced out for you,
steadfastly embracing the means He offers you.”
– Margaret Mary Alacoque
Today’s Reflection:
What is the way God has traced out for you? How can you more freely embrace His designs for you?

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Gratitude towards this Divine Heart

June 9
“Would that I could exhaust myself in acts of thanksgiving and gratitude towards this Divine Heart, for the great favor He shows us, in deigning to accept our help to make Him known, loved and honored; He reserves infinite blessings for all those who devote themselves to this work.”
– St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Today’s Reflection:
Knowing this beautiful testimony from St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, what prevents me from spreading the Gospel, the message of love, to all I see? How can I better prepare myself to do so?

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He afflicts us

June 8
“What a weakness it is to love Jesus Christ only when He caresses us, and to be cold immediately when He afflicts us. This is not true love. Those who love thus, love themselves too much to love God with all their heart.”
-St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
For Reflection:
Ponder this quotation in light of the Holy Father’s definition of love as an act of total self-donation. Am I truly willing to love God and others in this way?

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Heart that resembles

June 4
“The heart that resembles that of Christ more than any other is without a doubt the Heart of Mary, His Immaculate Mother, and for this very reason the liturgy holds them up together for our veneration”
-Pope Benedict XVI
Today’s Reflection
How can you draw closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary today? How can you also assist your family, your friends, and every person entrusted to your spiritual care to draw closer to them?

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She may fashion you

June 3
“I have placed you in the care of my holy Mother, as a deposit in trust, so that she may fashion you according to my pattern.”
-Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alocoque
Today’s Reflection
Read Psalm 139: 13-16. Consider the way a baby is “fashioned” by God in the womb of its mother. Now, think of God fashioning you in this way spiritually within the heart of Mary according to the pattern of His Son. Why is Mary the perfect “place” for us to be entrusted? What would mark the maternal care she would provide for those given to her by her Son?

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Preserve Peace of Heart

June 2
“But above all preserve peace of heart. This is more valuable than any treasure. In order to preserve it there is nothing more useful than renouncing your own will and substituting for it the will of the divine heart. In this way his will can carry out for us whatever contributes to his glory, and we will be happy to be his subjects and to trust entirely in him.”
-St Margaret Mary Alacoque
Today’s Reflection:
What do you hold onto in your life that is simply a desire of your own will? What in your life isn’t of God, something that isn’t God’s will? How can you trust Him more today with His will and relinquish your own?

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Our Lord’s earnest desire

June 1
“It seems to me that our Lord’s earnest desire to have His Sacred Heart honored in a special way is directed toward renewing the effects of redemption in our souls. For the Sacred Heart is an inexhaustible fountain and its sole desire is to pour itself out into the hearts of the humble so as to free them and prepare them to lead lives according to his good pleasure.”
 – St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Today’s reflection:
In what one way can I honor Jesus more during this month of June dedicated to His Sacred Heart? (Some options may include enthroning your home to the Sacred Heart, spending time before the Eucharistic Presence on a regular basis, participating in First Friday devotions.)

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Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Unfathomable Depths of Love

The heart that resembles that of Christ more than any other is without a doubt the Heart of Mary, His Immaculate Mother, and for this very reason the liturgy holds them up together for our veneration” (Pope Benedict XVI).

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Paying Homage to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

June 3

June 3

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“From the depths of my nothingness, I prostrate myself before Thee, O Most Sacred, Divine and Adorable Heart of Jesus, to pay Thee all the homage of love, praise and adoration in my power. Amen.”

                                                            -St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Read the rest…