July 16
“There are so many tabernacles where I can visit Jesus at any time, so I don’t feel the need to go to Jerusalem. We have Jerusalem right out our front door.”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis
July 16
“There are so many tabernacles where I can visit Jesus at any time, so I don’t feel the need to go to Jerusalem. We have Jerusalem right out our front door.”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis
July 15
“By standing before the Eucharistic Christ, we become holy.”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis
July 14
“The more we nourish ourselves on the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, the more we will be able to love… The Eucharist configures us in a special way to God, who is Love.”
–Blessed Carlo Acutis
July 13
“Jesus Christ took on flesh to come to us and save us both from original sin inherited from our first parents and the sins each of us commits every day – even involuntarily—because unfortunately we are limited. But the Eucharist is nothing other than the heavenly food that keeps us out of temptation. When in the Lord’s Prayer we say, ‘give us this day our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation,’ Jesus meant, ‘give us today the daily Eucharist.’”
–Blessed Carlo Acutis
July 12
“I think that many people do not fully understand the value of Mass, because if they recognized the enormous blessing we have in a Lord who gives himself as our food and drink in the Sacred Host, they would go to Mass every day to participate in the fruits of the sacrifice and let go of so many superfluous things.”
–Blessed Carlo Acutis
MA asks: “Are salt rooms New Age?”
Ruth shares her experience of growing in faith and her relationship with God through the Women of Grace® Foundation Study, “Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life”.
July 11
“Jesus is really present to the world, just as when his apostles and disciples saw him walk the streets of Jerusalem.”
–Blessed Carlo Acutis on the Eucharist
July 10
“The Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary are indissolubly joined, and when we receive Communion, we come into direct contact with Our Lady and the saints in heaven. God is extremely pleased by the souls that approach the great gifts of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confession.”
–Blessed Carlo Acutis