Parents and Star War fans alike are fuming over Disney’s new Star Wars spinoff which elevates wokeness to new intergalactic heights in the form of lesbian space witches.
Become a saint
July 9
“When we face the sun we get a tan… but when we stand before Jesus in the Eucharist we become saints.”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis
Become like Jesus
July 8
“The more often we receive the Eucharist, the more we become like Jesus and the more we get a foretaste of heaven.”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis
Pause and reflect
July 7
“Throngs of people stand in interminable lines to buy tickets to rock concerts or soccer matches, but I don’t see crowds of people lined up outside church waiting to see Jesus in the Eucharist. This should make us pause and reflect.”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis
Jesus is very creative
July 6
“Jesus is very creative because he hides in a little piece of bread, and only God could do something so incredible!”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis
Jesus, make yourself at home!
July 5
“Jesus, make yourself at home! Live within me as if it were your own dwelling!”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis
What is a “Crystal Child”?
My highway to heaven
New Bill Protects Women and Girls from DeepFake Revenge Porn
One morning in October, 2023, 14-year-old Elliston Berry woke up to find her cell phone flooded with text messages from friends telling her that nude images of her were all over the internet. Knowing she had never posed nude for anyone, where did these images come from and how could this be stopped?
Standing before Christ
July 3
“By standing before the Eucharistic Christ, we become holy.”
-Blessed Carlo Acutis