Tag Archives: Jesus
Be filled with the Spirit
The fruit of the Spirit
The sweetness of the Holy Spirit
June 6
“An invisible power seemed to plunge me wholly into fire…but oh! what fire! what sweetness!”
-Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Today’s Reflection:
Reflect with gratitude upon the heavenly gifts, the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, and the consolations which the Lord has bestowed upon you.
Aid humanity
The Power of the Most High
the Son of God.”
-Luke 1;35
Today’s Reflection:
God desires to fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit, just as He did Our Blessed Mother, Mary. He desires for us to bring Jesus Christ into the world, just as Mary did. What obstacles or fears are keeping you from giving your full “yes” to God?
O Holy Spirit
Be valiant!
Avoid truth without love
June 1
“Avoid truth without love, love without truth.”
-St. Edith Stein
(St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
Today’s Reflection:
In what ways is God calling me to stand against cultural evil?
I will conquer the world
May 31
“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.”
-Pope Pius IX
Today’s Reflection:
Are you ready to be a crusader for the Rosary?