Don’t Settle for Meditation Gimmicks!

LC writes: “I was a little disappointed to learn that eastern meditation is not recommended for Christians.  I felt that the last one I did by Deepak Chopra led me to the Daniel fast which ultimately changed my life. I started this meditation challenge also by Deepak Chopra and instead of saying the Hindu mantra, I meditate on the actual phrase. For example “I am a radiant and spiritual being.” Is that such a bad thing if I also incorporate prayer in my life and keep Christianity first?”

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Testimonial: Benedicta immersive was academically and spiritually rich

“The Benedicta spring week-long immersive was one of the most intense and wonderful weeks academically and spiritually that I have ever experienced. Graces abounded with new and renewed knowledge and intimacy with Our Lady and the Trinity. Bishop Waltersheid and Dr. Wallenfang were so Marian and such gifted and inspiring speakers!

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These great truth

June 5

“Let us remember these great truths:

(1) There is nothing, however small or apparently indifferent, which has not been ordained or permitted by God – even to the fall of a leaf.

(2) God is sufficiently wise, good, powerful and merciful to turn those events which are apparently the most calamitous to the good and the advantage of those who know how to adore and accept with humility all that his divine and adorable will permits.”

-Jean-Pierre De Caussade, S.J.

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Women Spend Thousands on Rage Rituals

Instead of learning how to overcome the inevitable hurts and sorrows of life in a healthy way, women are being encouraged to indulge their inner rage by attending screaming ceremonies where they beat the ground with sticks and shriek at the top of their lungs.

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His divine will

June 4

“Let us remember these great truths:

(1) There is nothing, however small or apparently indifferent, which has not been ordained or permitted by God – even to the fall of a leaf.

(2) God is sufficiently wise, good, powerful and merciful to turn those events which are apparently the most calamitous to the good and the advantage of those who know how to adore and accept with humility all that his divine and adorable will permits.”

-Jean-Pierre De Caussade, S.J.

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Beatification of Flight Attendant Takes Another Step Forward

Helena Kmiec (1991-2017) (Photos courtesy of the Helena Kmiec Foundation)

The beatification cause for Helena Kmiec, a former flight attendant from Poland who was stabbed to death at the age of 25, was sworn in on May 10 at a ceremony in the Bishop’s Palace in Krakow, Poland. Read the rest…