March 13
“Do not waste the hour after Holy Communion, which provides you with so favorable an opportunity for acquainting Him with your interests. Realize that this time is very precious for the soul.”
-St. Teresa of Avila
March 13
“Do not waste the hour after Holy Communion, which provides you with so favorable an opportunity for acquainting Him with your interests. Realize that this time is very precious for the soul.”
-St. Teresa of Avila
March 12
“If you stay close to my Sorrowful Heart, I will defend you in your spiritual battles with the devil and I will protect you in every instant of your life. I will console you in your pains and I will accompany you in your work. At the moment of death, my Son and I will be your eternal consolation and joy.”
-St. Bridget of Sweden
“St. Paul Vi summed it up well when he said, ‘People listen more to witnesses today than to teachers, and if they listen to teachers at all, it is because they are witnesses.’ Cabrini is a film shot through with the courage and strength of witness.
March 11
“Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
-Pope Saint John Paul II
March 10
“For in this century, we must no longer count on men to preserve the faith. The grain of faith that will be saved will hide itself among women. A woman cannot remain neutral in the world. She too is set for the fall and resurrection of many.”
-St. Madeline Sophie Barat
March 9
“How often have I thought that I may owe all the graces I’ve received to the prayers of a person who begged them from God for me, and whom I shall know only in heaven.”
-St. Thérèse of Lisieux
March 8
“When God sends his inspirations into a man’s heart, the first one He gives is that of obedience.”
-St. Francis de Sales
March 7
“As for you, be steady and self-possessed; put up with hardship, perform your work as an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”
-2 Timothy 4:1-8