A vigilant awaiting of the coming of Christ

December 15

“The liturgy of Advent… helps us to understand fully the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event, which occurred some 2,000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, it is necessary to understand that the whole of our life must be an ‘advent,’ a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ.”

-Pope St. John Paul II

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The babe who made the world

December 12

“Because he’s born in a cave, all who wish to see him must be bend, must stoop, the stoop is the mark of humility. The proud refuse to stoop. Therefore they miss divinity. Those, however, who are willing to risk bending their egos to go into that cave, find that they are not in a cave at all; but they are in a universe where sits a babe on his mother’s lap, the babe who made the world.”

-Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

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The Christmas Scams are Back!

It’s that time of year! With 57 percent of consumers expected to do their Christmas shopping online this year, who among us is not waiting for a package to arrive? This explains why so many of us are beginning to see strange text and email messages warning us that our package was delayed and needs further information to process. Don’t click on those links until you read this!

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