And what a Mother!

December 10

“Next to that which directly concerns God, nothing is more precious for truly enlightened piety than that which concerns the honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here we encounter all that exists in a son towards his mother. And what a Mother! To us she gave her Son, the world’s life and salvation; she engendered all of us spiritually at the foot of the Cross through the pangs of the passion and death of the God-Man, the blessed fruit of her womb. She is rightly called the new Eve and the co-redemptrix of the human race.”

-St. Eugène de Mazenod

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This is Christian hope!

December 8

“The exhortation to be watchful resounds many times in the liturgy, especially in Advent, a season of preparation not only for Christmas, but also for Christ’s definitive and glorious coming at the end of time. It therefore has a distinctly eschatological meaning and invites the believer to spend every day and every moment in the presence of the One ‘who is and who was and who is come’ (Revelation 1:4), to whom the future of the world and of man belongs. This is Christian hope!”

-Pope St. John Paul II

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If the Church Christianized Other Pagan Practices, Why Not Yoga?

VV writes: “I’m a catholic school teacher and found out that some of my colleagues experienced yoga, Nia and QiGong. I informed them that this is new age and you can’t call up the demonic in the name of Jesus and make it okay. The truth needs to be told. Your thoughts?”

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Testimonial: Called Together to Pray and to Serve

In November 2024, St. Vincent Parish in Wildwood, Florida hosted an Advent retreat with Jonnette Benkovic Williams as their speaker. Many volunteers and staff members worked together to make this retreat a success. A special thank you goes out to Pastor Fr. Kenny, new parish Director of Faith Formation Maria Luz, and Nancy Elhajj (Regional Coordinator with Women of Grace).

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