The Green Scapular is Church Approved

Green scapularSN asks: I ordered some green scapulars from the Apostolate of the Green Scapular  . . . I received 14 blessed scapulars that were blessed by a priest  . . . You write the name of the person on the scapular that you want to receive the blessings/conversions and place the scapular in their vicinity either knowing or unknowingly. Every day you recite their name and Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us now and at the hour of death. They say the scapular is as only as powerful as the user believes it will work. Is this approved by the Catholic Church?”

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Don’t Invite These “Angels” Into Your Home!

One of our readers was kind enough to send us an e-mail she received which offered her an opportunity to invite three “angels” into her life for five days. Believe it or not, people are actually falling for this and going through all the prescribed rituals to allow these unnamed spirits into their lives! Here’s why that’s not a good idea.

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Is Reiki Music Okay?

reiki 2SM writes: “Many years ago before I knew what Reiki is about I bought a CD of “new age” relaxation music. I bought it on the strength of the sample one could listen to in the store, but the CD was marketed as being good for background music during Reiki massage. It was clearly created with the intention of being used during Reiki, given the packaging and liner notes.  Do you recommend that I get rid of it?”

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