New Bill Seeks to Codify Definition of Male and Female

U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. has introduced the Defining Male and Female Act of 2024 which aims at codifying the legal definitions of male and female to ensure they are based on biology rather than ideology.

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On this first Sunday of Advent

December 1

“On this first Sunday of Advent, when we begin to count the days separating us from the birth of the Savior… we have considered the reality of our Christian vocation: how our Lord has entrusted us with the mission of attracting other souls to sanctity, encouraging them to get close to him, to feel united to the Church, to extend the kingdom of God to all hearts. Jesus wants to see us dedicated, faithful, responsive.”

-St. Josemaría Escrivá

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Is the Wicked Movie All That Bad?

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The cinematography, music, and dancing in the wildly popular new movie, Wicked, are truly spectacular – but don’t let the stunning visuals fool you. This film is riddled with mixed messages about good and evil that should concern parents.

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