November 6
“We must keep near to the souls God puts in our way, and try to understand and love them. Here we have discovered, by God’s grace, the sources of peace and the means of possessing it fully.”
-Elizabeth Leseur
November 6
“We must keep near to the souls God puts in our way, and try to understand and love them. Here we have discovered, by God’s grace, the sources of peace and the means of possessing it fully.”
-Elizabeth Leseur
November 5
“Untilled ground, however rich, will bring forth thistles and thorns; so also the mind of man.”
-St. Teresa of Avila
November 4
“Our God is God. All is as He pleases. I am the happiest creature in the thought that not the least thing can happen but by His will or permission; and all for the best.”
-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
November 3
“My vocation is to let myself be led like a child, one day at a time.”
-Blessed Pierina Morosini
November 2
The Commemoration of All Souls
“We know our union with the brethren who have died in the grace and faith of Christ is not the least weakened or interrupted by their death. On the contrary it is strengthened by our conveying spiritual goods for their benefit.”
– Second Vatican Council Lumen Gentium, 49
November 1
“If God gives you an abundant harvest of trials, it is a sign of great holiness which He desires you to attain. Do you want to become a great saint? Ask God to send you many sufferings. The flame of Divine Love never rises higher than when fed with the wood of the Cross, which the infinite charity of the Savior used to finish His sacrifice. All the pleasures of the world are nothing compared with the sweetness found in the gall and vinegar offered to Jesus Christ. That is, hard and painful things endured for Jesus Christ and with Jesus Christ.”
-St. Ignatius of Loyola
When Joanne came to the Benedicta Leadership Seminar at Malvern in July 2019, she was just beginning to come to terms with some of the twists and turns in her life; by the time it was over, everything was beginning to fall into place.