LC writes: “Could you shed some light on Twin Flames? Is it possible in the eyes of the Church?”
Pray! Pray!
Mary, Mother of the Body of Christ
September 27th
“Jesus is truly born of Mary; the elect also are born of her. Mary is the Mother of the natural body of Jesus Christ and also of His mystical Body.”
-Father Guillame-Joseph Chaminade
American Heritage Girls Scouting Troops Now in Half of all U.S. Dioceses
Do Planets Affect Humans?
Apostle of apostles
September 26th
“Christ is the Apostle of apostles, the one Apostle from whom all others receive their apostolic mission.”
-Fr. Emil Neubert
Reader Shares Bad Experience with BodyTalk
One of our readers sent an e-mail describing a bad experience she had with BodyTalk – a kind of “therapy” that can supposedly locate broken energy circuits in the body and resynchronize them by “tapping” the patient on the top of the head. We felt this e-mail would serve as a warning to anyone who is considering this kind of therapy.
What are your sorrows?
The Problems with Pokemon
NH asks: “Just how problematic is Pokemon?
Mary alone remained
September 24
“Mary alone remained completely faithful even to the end.”
-Emil Neubert