Safe Against Error

June 19

“The soul that journeys in the light and the truth of the Faith is safe against all error.”
                                                                        –St. Frumentius, Bishop

Lord, Save Us!

June 18

“Whenever any grievous temptation or vehement sorrow oppresses thee, invoke they guardian, thy leader; cry out to him and say, ‘Lord, save us, lest we perish!'”
                                                                                    –St. Bernard

Where the Mother is, there also is the Son

June 17

Meditate often on the sorrows of the holy Mother, sorrows inseparable from those of her beloved Son. If you seek the Cross, there you will find the Mother and where the Mother is, there also is the Son.
                                                                        -St. Paul of the Cross

Deeper Needs and Greater Destinies

June 15

The great women always recall us to the deeper needs and the greater destinies; and so they try to save the world from the shallow, the slick, the facile, and the cruel, and to show us that the world of men is not meant to be either a battlefield or a laboratory, but a family.
                                                                                    –Gerald Vann, O. P.


June 14

“Give up prayer, and you no longer see the inwardness of things; you see only the surface. And with nothing to go by but effects, statistics, and evidence supplied by natural perceptions, you arrive at the wrong conclusions.”
                                                                        -Dom Hubert Van Zeller

Firm Purpose of Amendment

June 12

“Many who confess their venial sins out of custom and concern for order but without thought of amendment remain burdened with them for their whole life and thus lose many spiritual benefits and advantages.”
-St. Francis de Sales

A Unique Quality of Woman

June 11

“A quality unique to woman is her singular sensitivity to moral values and an abhorrence of all which is low and mean; this quality protects her against the dangers of seduction and total surrender to sensuality.”

-St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)

Not for the perfect ones

June 10

       “Yes, we are all sinners, but let us never forget that we are saved sinners. It is obvious that we are going to stumble a million times between our birth and death. But when we look at the Gospel, we see immediately that God came, not for the perfect ones, but for sinners. That means each one of us.”
— Catherine Doherty