SDM writes: “We have been in California for several months and we have heard this ‘new age’ idea that Jesus was a Buddhist! Do you know who started this absurdity? What would you say to the people that really believe this?”
Tag Archives: Buddhism
The Questionable Opinions of Anthony DeMello, S.J.
KK asks: “I noticed on your website that you have a new age section and was wondering if you considered Anthony DeMello and his book Awareness to be new age?”
If Buddhism Isn’t a Religion, Can Catholics Practice It?
PC writes: “Over the weekend I had a conversation with a few people (felt like a firing squad really) where they were saying it is perfectly fine for a Catholic to also be a Buddhist. Their argument was that Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy for interior peace and nothing is contradictory to what Jesus said and did (to me Galatians 5:22-23 debunks this issue as God sends the Holy Spirit that gives us everything; therefore, Jesus is truly the “all in all”). The lengthy part of the argument was to say that Buddhism gives the peace that Christianity does not. Of course I argued the opposite to all of this but did not make a dent. Do you know of any good resources that I can look at?”
Goldie Hawn Pushing TM and Buddhism in Public Schools
Did you ever notice how the separation of church and state never applies to any religion except Christianity?
What’s Wrong with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?
PG writes: “I resigned from my job last year as a mental health LMSW, working in an out patient clinic. We were being trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which in fact, is based on Eastern Mysticism/Buddhism. We were told that we had to take the training and had to use this new mind control therapy on our clients. I knew it was wrong and I could no longer work for this agency. Have you heard of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? It appears to be growing -unfortunately.”
Woman Claims Prudential Forces Buddhism on Employees
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A former employee of Prudential Insurance Company is preparing a lawsuit against the company for forcing her to participate in Buddhist religious exercises, then firing her when she complained.