Cardinal Timothy A. Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has sent a letter to President Barack Obama imploring him not to take military action in Syria and to seek a political and non-violent resolution to the deadly conflict that has left an estimated 100,000 dead.
Tag Archives: Cardinal Dolan
Cardinals Decry Boston Bombings
Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston is calling yesterday’s bombing of the Boston Marathon a “senseless act of violence” while New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan warns that this latest act of terrorism is a reminder that “evil exists and that life is fragile.”
Dolan: Church Must be More Welcoming to Homosexuals
During interviews with the major media on Easter Sunday, New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan said that while Church teaching on sexuality is unchanging, it must do a better job of welcoming homosexual men and women.
Cardinal Dolan Reflects on Last Meeting with Pope Benedict
During an interview with the TODAY show, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York described his last meeting with the pope as being “kind of somber” and that the Holy Father appeared very fragile.
Cardinal Dolan and Stephen Colbert Team Up at Fordham
An unusual comedy team took to the stage at Fordham University on Sept. 14 when comedian Stephen Colbert and New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan entertained more than 3,000 cheering students with grace, wit, and a few memorable zingers.
Dolan Stuns DNC With Prayer For Life
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan seized the moment last night when he delivered a closing benediction at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) last night that contained a bold exhortation for life and religious liberty, a prayer so pointed many media outlets actually cut off their coverage mid-prayer to avoid showing it to their viewers.
Cardinal Dolan to Give Benediction at RNC Convention
In an interview with EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo, set to air tonight, former Governor Mitt Romney will announce that Cardinal Timothy Dolan will give the benediction at the Republican National Convention on the night he accepts the presidential nomination.
Cardinal Dolan Responds to Criticism Over Al Smith Dinner
Writing on the feast of St. Maximiliam Kolbe, New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan published a response to the criticism he is receiving over inviting President Barack Obama to the annual Catholic Charities fundraiser known as The Al Smith Dinner.
Pro Life Leader Asks Dolan to Rescind Obama Invite
The leader of the largest grass roots pro-life organization in America has published an open letter to New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan asking him to rescind his invitation to President Barack Obama to speak at the annual Al Smith Dinner in October.
Al Smith Dinner Controversy Takes a New Turn
The controversy over President Obama’s invitation to speak at a Catholic Charities fundraiser in October took a new turn yesterday when an employee of the Archdiocese weighed in with a more detailed explanation of the even in question.