Feast Day Mini-Study-St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

August 9th

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)

1891 – 1942

Patroness of the Benedicta Institute for Women®

“The world doesn’t need what women have, it needs what women are.”
-St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

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Feast Day Mini-Study: St. Teresa of Avila

September 15th
St. Teresa of Avila
1515- 1582
I’d like to cut right to the chase: In this little blog on St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila), who we Discalced Carmelites call “Our Holy Mother,” I’ll simply share three ways in which her life and teaching on prayer has touched my life. Hopefully some of these insights will enrich you as well.

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Feast Day Mini-Study: St. Catherine of Genoa

September 15th
Saint Catherine of Genoa
1447- 1510

The life of St. Catherine of Genoa confirms that spiritual renewal, virtue, holy reflection, and spiritual direction lead to wisdom and discernment. Born into an illustrious Italian family that was connected to two popes, Catherine was known as a quiet and pious child, being both prayerful and obedient. She expressed an interest in the convent at the age of thirteen but she was turned away because she was too young.

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Feast Day Mini-Study: St. Monica

August 27th

Saint Monica of Hippo

331 – 387

Most of us are familiar with Saint Monica, the mother of the great Saint Augustine. As the story goes, Monica had a wayward child in her son Augustine. He was a great success, but he wasn’t living a moral life and he wasn’t growling in holiness. In fact, his behavior was leading him away from holiness and away from God altogether. Back at home, his mother, Monica, prayed fervently for the conversion of her son, Augustine. Not only was St. Monica’s prayer time consumed with the conversion of her son, but also with the conversion of her husband, who was known to be adulterous and abusive to Monica. St. Monica persisted in prayer. God would reward this beautiful Saint for her endless petitions with the answer to prayer she had sought for so long!

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Feast Day Mini-Study: Our Lady of Fatima

Today we celebrate the great Feast of Our Lady of Fatima and the prophetic series of miraculous apparitions in which she gave us God’s peace plan for the world. Our Lady of Fatima instructed us to, “Say the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world and the end of war.”
Women of Grace, in union with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, invites all of our friends to join in fasting and praying the Rosary today. Honor Our Blessed Mother in this small way!

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Feast Day Mini-Study: St. Gianna Beretta Molla

April 28th
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
October 4, 1922 – April 28, 1962

St. Gianna Beretta Molla, is not only a contemporary saint, but a saint for the contemporary woman! This was a woman who loved God, loved her husband, loved her children and raising them, and even had time to devote herself to charity and a profession, a physician no less! What an inspiration St. Gianna is to us modern-day women, who also try to juggle faith, family, and work. On top of that, she is always seen with a smile on her face, evidence of the true joy she experienced from living this ordinary life for the Lord!

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