Don’t Settle for Meditation Gimmicks!

LC writes: “I was a little disappointed to learn that eastern meditation is not recommended for Christians.  I felt that the last one I did by Deepak Chopra led me to the Daniel fast which ultimately changed my life. I started this meditation challenge also by Deepak Chopra and instead of saying the Hindu mantra, I meditate on the actual phrase. For example “I am a radiant and spiritual being.” Is that such a bad thing if I also incorporate prayer in my life and keep Christianity first?”

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Psychic Disturbances and “Mental Schizophrenia”

DV writes: “What did the Pope mean when he said in the Letter to the Bishops on Some Aspects of Christian Meditation that body positions coupled with breathing and meditation could lead to a kind of mental schizophrenia which could also lead to psychic disturbances and, at times, to moral deviations.  I would like a deeper understanding of what he was warning about.”  

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The Dangers of Mixing Christian and Non-Christian Forms of Worship

It’s trendy these days to incorporate non-Christian forms of worship into Christian practices, but Scripture is replete with warnings from the Lord about why this fad should be avoided.

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When Eastern Meditation Goes Wrong

Although Eastern meditation practices are being sold wholesale to the public as a panacea for everything from stress to digestive issues, experts say there can be very real – and very serious – consequences to these mind-control techniques.

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Priest and Former New Age Enthusiast Warns Catholics Away from Eastern Meditation

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

After decades of his own involvement, Father Bill Kneemiller, a Catholic priest and former teacher of transcendental meditation, is issuing a strong warning to the faithful about the dangers of dabbling in Eastern meditation techniques.

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