If Buddhism Isn’t a Religion, Can Catholics Practice It?

PC writes: “Over the weekend I had a conversation with a few people (felt like a firing squad really) where they were saying it is perfectly fine for a Catholic to also be a Buddhist. Their argument was that Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy for interior peace and nothing is contradictory to what Jesus said and did (to me Galatians 5:22-23 debunks this issue as God sends the Holy Spirit that gives us everything; therefore, Jesus is truly the “all in all”). The lengthy part of the argument was to say that Buddhism gives the peace that Christianity does not. Of course I argued the opposite to all of this but did not make a dent. Do you know of any good resources that I can look at?”

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Enlightened or Snooty?

Groundbreaking new research has discovered a link between those who practice mindfulness meditation, aura reading and other “energetic therapies,” to feelings of spiritual superiority and smugness.

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Is Women of Grace® Making Too Big a Deal Out of New Age?

AL writes: “I don’t understand the point of this blog – what you call a “New Age Q&A” – as if the New Age is something dark and evil. It’s just a bunch of harmless alternatives and self-help ideas. What’s the big deal?”

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Home Enlightenment Program


I don’t know about you, but I get this stuff all the time – the latest New Age hyper-sell to land in my inbox is the Home Enlightenment and Self Realization Program by Sri Sutrananda which uses a combination of Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, Karma, Hathaa and Kunda yoga to take users on a journey of “spiritual discovery and self realization.”

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