More States Seek to Expand Abortion Access

Since the appointment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, thus tilting the court’s make-up toward the pro-life position, more states are planning to impose laws that will greatly expand access to abortion under the guise of protecting a “woman’s right to choose.”

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Pro Lifers Respond to Pro-Abortion Wish List: “No Abortion Industry Bailout!”

By  Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

The Obama transition team shocked a coalition of dozens of pro-abortion groups when it decided to publish the 55-page “wish list” they sent to the president-elect with the hopes he’ll try to achieve these goals over the next four years. Pro-life groups responded to the list by demanding “No abortion industry bailout!” while the abortion groups voiced their dismay over having their agenda revealed. Read the rest…