DB writes: “I listen to your show almost daily on EWTN on my Sirius XM on the way to work. I heard you talking about Reiki a few times over the last couple of weeks and I felt called to share my experience.”
Tag Archives: massage
Catholics and Ayurvedic Massage
Tellington Touch
SA writes: ”Back in the mid 90’s, I purchased a book/tape program for working with pets called “The Tellington Touch” or T-touch. I thought it was a form of massage and I used it to tame my cat. The materials for the program do not mention energy, are mostly filled with testimonials, but do say that the method activates unused neural pathways in the brain. The creator of the program, Linda Tellington-Jones, trained with physicist Dr. Feldenkrais in the 70’s and used his method to develop her own. There are now T-touch practitioners worldwide, especially working with horses. Is T-touch New Age? And if so, what does that mean for me and my cat?”