Why Mind-Blanking “Prayer” is Dangerous for Children

PM writes: “My children attend a Catholic Primary school in Australia. They tell me they do meditation at school and use the word ‘Maranatha.’ Is this in line with Catholic teaching? Should I exclude them from these sessions. I just read a blog of yours about centering prayer, (John Main). This seems to be exactly what they do, empty their minds and repeat the word ‘Maranatha’. What do you think?

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Help! Yoga & Mindfulness Are in My Child’s School

We continue to receive questions from concerned parents of both public and parochial school children whose schools are introducing yoga and mindfulness into the curriculum in some way. What can they do to counter this worrying trend?

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Are Schools Souring on Yoga?

Introducing yoga into public schools isn’t happening without a fight – and Increasing complaints from parents and accusations that schools are endorsing religious practices is beginning to have an effect on programs across the country.

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