What miracles does God want to work in your life?

March 10

“The author has seen the marvel of the blood liquefaction at closest range and can give witness to the fact. Taking into consideration all the scientific investigations that have been made, he would say that a natural explanation of the phenomena does not seem possible.”

-Blessed Cardinal Schuster


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The Miraculous According to Sid Roth

SA writes: “I have Catholic friends who faithfully view Sid Roth:It’s Supernatural.  I have watched the show myself and while Mr. Roth may have good intentions, I find the whole thing simply ‘entertaining’.  My Catholic friends were upset when I stated that I thought it was a waste of time to view this program.  There is no way to verify the supernatural encounters his guests have, let alone determine that they are from the Holy Spirit.  Of course, each guest has a series of DVDs to sell to teach viewers how to perform deliverance etc.  What is your opinion?”

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Pope Approves Miracle for Parents of Little Flower

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

Pope Benedict XVI authorized the promulgation of decrees attributing miracles to five causes, including that of Louis and Marie-Celie “Zelie” Martin, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, paving the way for their beatification.

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