Give Her the Gift of Healing! New Year Brings Women’s Healing Retreat Back to Tampa!

Back by popular demand, the Women of Grace® apostolate is joining hands with popular Retreat Facilitator Carol Marquardt to offer women a powerful weekend of healing and revitalization on January 19-20, 2019 in Tampa/Oldsmar, Florida.

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Albuquerque Conference Brings Healing Amidst the Storm

Johnnette Benkovic addressing women at Women of Grace 2017 Annual Conference in St. Jude Thaddeus Church, Albququerque, NM

While Hurricane Irma was tearing through Florida last weekend, there was a different kind of storm taking place at St. Jude Thaddeus Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico where 230 women were enjoying a downpour of grace from the Lord at the Women of Grace® 2017 National Conference.

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