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Webinar - "Tongues of Fire" Online Pentecost Event - 03 - Pentecost, Fresh Fire Then, and Now! with Deacon Larry Oney

‘The Holy Spirit, breaking into history, defeats aridity, opens hearts, stimulates and fosters in us an interior maturity in our relationship with God and our neighbor.’ -Pope Benedict XVI, 2012

Join us for a Spirit-filled evening as we prepare for the Feast of Pentecost! Our Women of Grace Online Pentecost Event, “Tongues of Fire. Pentecost is the fulfillment of a promise from Jesus…that the Holy Spirit would come and remain with us. We look forward to coming together to be filled, encouraged, and prepared for one of the greatest feasts of our Church, the birthday of the Catholic Church, the Descent of the Holy Spirit!

We will be joined by Deacon Larry Oney, Andi Oney, Johnnette Williams, and Susan Potvin of Living Praise Worship Team for an evening of presentations, prayer, praise, and the power of the Holy Spirit!