Women of Grace® Events

Johnnette B Williams and the Women of Grace® team are bringing the transforming message of authentic femininity to women around the world through life changing events. Women leave inspired and filled with holy zeal for their mission to “ aid humanity in not falling.

Glossary Definition

The true and essential nature God has endowed to woman referred to by Blessed John Paul II as the feminine genius.

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Quotes from Past Events:

“This weekend was such a joy! The masses were all so beautiful. This whole experience was uplifting and my spirit just soared when singing ‘ Women of Grace®’. I indeed do want to live as a woman of grace. Thank you!”
Judy, Past Women of Grace® Retreat Participant
“This conference made me more aware of the power of prayer of the Rosary, the power of healing in the Eucharistic adoration and the communion with Christ and His Church in the Eucharist. Everything was so beautiful. I found all of the talks very healing, enriching, and powerful!”
Maria, Past Women of Grace® National Conference participant
“This conference helped me to increase knowledge of my Catholic faith and filled my soul with the joy and strength to always try to be a better Christian, woman, and daughter of God.”
Ivette, Past Women of Grace® National Conference participant
“I loved the depth of worship of Jesus present in the Eucharist with Catholic sisters who understand it… a holy sisterhood. It also provided me with the tools that will help me develop a deeper prayer life. It’s nice to know I’m not alone. I have sisters who also aspire to become holy.”
Barbara, Past Women of Grace® National Conference participant
“I recently attended the retreat at St. Magdalen de Pazzi (New Jersey) where you spoke, and WOW! It was wonderful… thank you. You touched on so many things that are dear to my heart, namely, the beauty and responsibility of a woman. I have a huge devotion to Our Lady, St. Louis de Montfort and St. Maximilian Kolbe, so that made the retreat special to me. Thank you.”