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Casting a Catholic Ballot CD Set - Part 2 of 5

Casting a Catholic Ballot CD Set
Voting with a Clear Conscience
5 CD's

1) The Church and the Cultural War - Fr. Edward Krause,
Diane Brown, Judge Robert Bork, Mary Ellen Bork, Johnnette Benkovic
2) Faith and Politics: Voting the Catholic Conscience -
Ambassador Alan Keyes, Fr. Edmund Sylvia, CSC, Johnnette Benkovic
3) Voting Catholic - Fr. Frank Pavone, Fr. Philip De Vous, Johnnette Benkovic
4) The New Judiciary: Renegade Judges - Phyllis Schlafly,
Johnnette Benkovic
5) Defending Marriage: A Call to Arms - Mary Jo Anderson,
Dale O'Leary, Johnnette Benkovic