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Watch and Pray: An Advent Reflection, Part 6 of 6 Audio Presentation by Fr. Edmund Sylvia, CSC

If you’ve ever wished for practical lessons to help you spiritually embrace the mystery of the Incarnation, then this audio series is for you! Watch and Pray: An Advent Reflection is a unique collection of teachings and prayers given by Fr. Edmund Sylvia, CSC. Fr. Ed draws upon a variety of Catholic resources to teach you how to pray, reflect and prepare for the special seasons of Advent and Christmas. This program will inspire you and forever transform the way you celebrate the holidays:
Topics include:
Part 1: Advent: Watch and Pray
Part 2: Advent: Prepare the Way
Part 3: Advent: The Messianic Message
Part 4: Advent: Annunciation of the Messiah’s Coming
Part 5: Christmas: The Incarnation of the Messiah
Part 6: Epiphany: The Manifestation of the Messiah