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WEBINAR - Altered States: Is it Prayer or a Mental Exercise?

Altered States: Is it Prayer or a Mental Exercise?
Webinar Presented by Susan Brinkmannn OCDS

In addition to two historical fiction novels published by HarperCollins, she is also the author of a book on Carmelite prayer, Lord Teach Us to Pray, published by The Catholic Standard and Times. Her book, The Kinsey Corruption, which details the fraudulentresearch of Alfred C. Kinsey was published by Ascension Press. Susan also published a study series, Learn to Discern: Is it Christian or New Age in 2009 with Simon Peter Press. Her most recent publication is the story of her conversion entitled, We Need to Talk: God Speaks to a Modern Girl, published by Liguori Publications.

Her national journalism awards include the Bernadine-O'Connor Award for Pro-Life Journalism in 2003 and 2004, the Eileen Egan Journalism Award from Catholic Relief Services in 2005 and numerous awards from the Catholic Press Association and the Philadelphia Press Association.