Mission Partner Growing Together 11-8-2024: Guest: - Lynne O'Connor, Director of Mission Growth and Expansion and Isabelle Liberatore, Director of Development.
Mission Partner Growing Together 11-8-2024: Guest: - Lynne O'Connor, Director of Mission Growth and Expansion and Isabelle Liberatore, Director of Development.We wrap up the year with exciting updates and accomplishments along with a look ahead to the future.A monthly gathering for our active Mission Partners to grow in faith and unity.Our purpose is to provide ongoing support and formation to our Mission Partners to enable our community to:-Grow together in our shared mission and vision.-Grow together as disciples who are living our great commission to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth.-Grow our capacity to provide ongoing spiritual formation.-Grow a civilization and culture imbued with the spirit of the Gospel = the Kingdom of God.
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