WGR10904 - Magnificat: A Canticle of Praise for Women, Part 5
(Program 10904) Guests: Diane Bates
Contact Info for Magnificat is: www.magnificat-ministry.org MagnificatCST@aol.com 504-828-6279
Imagine being so bright that you set the IQ records in all of the schools you attended, attaining a PhD in physical chemistry, being awarded with a post-doctoral fellowship in biochemistry, landing a job at a Fortune 200 company, developing the blood tests for glucose, calcium, and cholesterol screening, earning several patents, and having your research published on the cover of a national magazine.
And then, imagine a cross so great and so unexpected that it pulled you back into your Catholic faith and set you in a brand new direction through an international apostolate for women. That’s the story of today’s guest and she has lots more to tell.