Television Episode

WGR10992 - Mother Angelica: Her Prayers and Reflections


(Program 10992)
Guest: Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe

In this beautiful little book, we get a glimpse into the interior life of Mother Angelica and what we find there is a person not much unlike you and me. 

She has her fears, worries and concerns. She has her joys and her sorrows. But she has one thing more, one thing we should all continue to strive to attain. 

She has a deep abiding faith in God, the certain knowledge of His love and His providence. Here to talk with us about Mother Angelica and  this little window to her soul is Father Joseph Mary Wolfe.

April 27, 2016 11:00 am – 11:30 am US/Eastern
October 5, 2018 11:00 am – 11:30 am US/Eastern
July 5, 2024 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm US/Eastern