"St. Paul Vi summed it up well when he said, 'People listen more to witnesses today than to teachers, and if they listen to teachers at all, it is because they are witnesses.' Cabrini is a film shot through with the courage and strength of witness.
The testimony of the Saint is illustrated by the persevering virtue of sanctity made evident in action. I was personally gratified to see the authentic portrayal of the feminine genius marked by receptivity, trust, and surrender. Receptivity to the Other in the guise of the other; trust in the never-failing guidance of God; and surrender to His holy will no matter the obstacle nor cost. I was edified, encouraged, and inspired. The film portrays a true woman of grace in the heart of THE Woman of Grace. May all Catholic women aspire to such virtuous heroism! St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, pray for us!"
— Johnnette Benkovic Williams
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