MB writes:
"Not so long ago I had a Reiki massage - before I knew that this was an occult-based practice. Is it possible that I might have been spiritually harmed by this?"
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Our thanks to "L", who tipped us off to a bizarre farming practice known as biodynamics - a concept invented by the famous occultist, Rudolf Steiner.
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We recently received an email from a reader whose friend, a practicing Catholic, was becoming involved with Rebecca Campbell’s Mystery School. Is this okay for Catholics?
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An online campaign from One Million Moms is calling upon parents to forgo the film, Dear Santa - a movie that was outright banned in the Philippines – and to withdraw their support for streaming giant, Paramount+ until they stop airing Satanic-themed content.
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Master Sha (Photo courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Firuzan.mistry CC BY-SA 4.0)
CC writes: "I have a friend that is very much into "Divine Healing Hands". Master Sha is the head of this 'movement'. I tried to read the book she gave me but was not really inspired so I only read the first few pages. I was wondering what you know of this 'movement' and the Catholic church's viewpoint on it."
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GH asks:
"A friend gave me two silver bracelets that have the Aztec calendar...is the calendar anti-Christian or linked to the occult?"
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JK asks: "
What are your views on UFOs and extraterrestrials? Are these for real? What does the Church believe about this subject?"
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ST writes:
“I read a story about President Bush’s daughters who claim they had encounters with a 'friendly' ghost in the White House. Is this even possible?”
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Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer of Atlanta is calling upon the faithful to offer prayers of reparation to counter a black mass being conducted by The Satanic Temple on the evening of October 25 at the MJQ Concourse in Atlanta.
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SP asks: "
Is energetic radiance technique new age?"
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