MB writes:
"Not so long ago I had a Reiki massage - before I knew that this was an occult-based practice. Is it possible that I might have been spiritually harmed by this?"
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A reader of our blog gave us permission to print a moving glimpse into her conversion from the New Age, along with an excerpt from Pope Francis' "The Joy of the Gospel", and asks us all to remember to pray for those who are caught up in these false beliefs.
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This is Part II of a two-part series documenting the experience of Priscilla de George, a devout Catholic woman who thought she would be safe if she prayed to Jesus and Mary while attending yoga classes, and whose life began falling apart shortly after she started the practice.
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The "yoga wars" are hotter than ever, with both sides staking out their positions and hammering their tent pegs ever deeper into the ground, but for everyday people like 54 year-old Priscilla de George (not her real name), this isn't a matter of taking sides - it's a matter of life and death.
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Our thanks to "L", who tipped us off to a bizarre farming practice known as biodynamics - a concept invented by the famous occultist, Rudolf Steiner.
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We recently received an email from a reader whose friend, a practicing Catholic, was becoming involved with Rebecca Campbell’s Mystery School. Is this okay for Catholics?
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Someone recently told me that “knocking on wood” was not really a superstition because it refers to knocking on the wood of the cross. Is this true? Curious, I decided to do some checking. Here’s what I found out.
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VV writes:
"I'm a catholic school teacher and found out that some of my colleagues experienced yoga, Nia and QiGong. I informed them that this is new age and you can't call up the demonic in the name of Jesus and make it okay. The truth needs to be told. Your thoughts?"
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Although it’s true that the use of a wreath decorated with lit candles dates back to pre-Christian Germanic people, it has been used by Christians since the Middle Ages as part of their spiritual preparation for Christmas.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
The cinematography, music, and dancing in the wildly popular new movie, Wicked, are truly spectacular – but don’t let the stunning visuals fool you. This film is riddled with mixed messages about good and evil that should concern parents.
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