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Culture of Death Reigns at DNC Convention

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

While Planned Parenthood is bragging about featuring a mobile van offering “health care” (i.e., abortion, vasectomies, and IUDs) to attendees at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, not everyone is pleased by this tasteless celebration of the culture of death.

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More States Block Enactment of New Gender Identity Rule in Schools

An attempt by the Biden Administration to rewrite Title IX rules to include gender identity protections, thereby forcing biological women to share private spaces with gender-confused biological males in schools and colleges receiving federal dollars, has now been blocked by three federal judges across 11 states.

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Abortion Now 4th Leading Cause of Death in US

Record high abortion numbers which were revealed in Planned Parenthood’s recently released annual report has put abortion into the top four leading causes of death in the US after heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19.

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Dutch Study: Most Children Outgrow Gender Confusion

A new study from the University of Groningen has found that the majority of children who wished to belong to the opposite sex became comfortable with their biological sex by early adulthood – which means transgenderism among youth could be nothing more than a fad.

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Bodies of “DC Babies” Temporarily Spared

After a two-year investigation into the suspicious deaths of five aborted infants whose bodies were recovered from a Washington DC abortion clinic, authorities have agreed to scrap plans to cremate the remains before autopsies can be performed.

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Pope Condemns Surrogacy as a Violation of Woman and Child

During his annual address to the world’s ambassadors to the Vatican yesterday, Pope Francis called for an international ban on the “deplorable” practice of surrogacy, saying that it “represents a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child.”

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Internal Unrest at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood, St. Paul, MN (Image courtesy of Wikicommons images, Fibonacci Blue CC BY 2.0)

More than a year after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, the rank and file inside Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) have been left worried and uncertain after the company laid off workers and is talking about restructuring “to better serve” those most in need in post-Roe America.

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Pro-Life Movement Launches Groundbreaking New School Program

An ambitious new science-based program aimed at opening the eyes of middle- and high-school aged students to the reality of the dignity of the unborn is set to launch at the end of this month.

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