Blog Posts
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From Death to Life: Testimony of Former New Ager
Stay Away from Pranic Healing
Navigating the Quackery-Infested World of Massage Therapy
New Age "Mission Creep" - Why Untested Treatments are Infiltrating American Health Care
Why Tai Chi and Catholicism Don't Mix
BodyTalk: More New Age Snookery
Why Acupressure Can't Work
Grounding aka Earthing is Based on Bad Science
Despite its complete lack of scientific evidence, grounding (aka “earthing”) is once again becoming popular. We first wrote about it in 2013 and can confidently report that in the last 10 years, almost nothing has changed except for the addition of new “earthing” products developed by folks who insist upon believing in this pseudoscience.
Why is Homeopathy New Age?
JM writes: "I just read the blog question and answer on homeopathy. This is a very serious matter to me as my family and I have been using homeopathic remedies very successfully over the past three years. I was introduced to them by a very conservative Roman Catholic group of ladies. In doing my own research, I was not troubled about the "vital force" that Dr. Hahneman refers to because anyone who does not know the Christian faith would of course grasp for some kind of word to describe the human soul and the life of that soul as given and designed by God, and the soul's inter-connectedness to our physical bodies. . . ."
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