Blog Post

Faithfulness To God



“Perform faithfully what God requires of youSt Jane Frances Chantal each moment and leave the thought of everything else to Him. I assure you that to live in this way will bring you great peace.”

~St. Jane Frances De Chantal



For Reflection:

St. Jane De Chantal gives a secret to the peace-filled life. What are her two recommendations? I will identify the first and pray for the grace to follow through with the second.


b1672The Pornography Epidemic, A Catholic Approach by Peter Kleponis, Ph.D PB 96 Pages Click Here For More Information:                       Chapter One Here are some more statistics from (2010): Internet Pornography Statistics ~There are 4.2 million pornographic websites ~There are 420 million pornographic web pages ~68 million daily search engine requests (Google) are for pornography ~25% of all search engine requests ~There are 4.5 billion average daily pornographic emails ~There are 100,000 child porn websites worldwide