Blog Post

West Texas Women of Grace Thrives


We received the beautiful letter below from Beatriz Machuca, one of our Texas facilitators:

On August 15, 2016, the Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, West Texas Catholic Communities of the El Paso Diocese, Women of Grace Study Program celebrated the completion of the "Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life." Fourteen women graduated the study which began in March 2016.  During the 20 weeks the women who journeyed through the study, bloomed like butterflies.  Their transformation was a wonder to see, how each embraced their femininity and dignity as daughter of Our Amazing King, Jesus.  God really outdid Himself with this bunch.  

In the past, the WTCC Women of Grace ministry has hosted three studies in the last three years.  We began the program in July 2014 with the blessing of our parish priest Fr. Fabian Marquez.

"When we finished the study (the first class) we couldn't just end it.  We decided to stick together and followed our mission to bring more women to Jesus and aid humanity in not falling. We've built community and have a core team to facilitate.  Forty one women in our community have completed the study and continue to thrive."

This past May some of our sisters were called to facilitate Young Women of Grace and with the blessing of our new parish priest Fr. Cruz Longoria, the class is filled with 16 beautiful young women.  We look forward, by the grace of God, to see the fruit of this program in 40 weeks.  We were very blessed to have had our Young Women of Grace attend the ceremony this August along with Fr. Cruz.

A special thank you to Joanne for getting our certificates to us.  Blessings! And blessings to you Johnnette!  Pray for us as we continue to pray for you!

Sincerely, Beatriz Machuca Women of Grace Facilitator