Blog Post

Women of Grace Celebrate Sisterhood and Our Lady of Guadalupe

Regional Coordinator, Treva Dillick, gives an account of Women of Grace celebrating their sacred sisterhood on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

"Three years ago the first Women of Grace Foundational Study was presented at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Doylestown Ohio. That group of 12 women decided that after each Foundational Study concludes an invitation would be sent out to every woman who has attended the study previously. The celebrations includes a cover dish dinner and the greeting of the new sacred sisters who just finished the study and are receiving their WOG certificate of completion.

treva.dillick.ologThis picture is the 10th WOG gathering of that community of women. Some of the more than 40 women who are part of the Sts. Peter and Paul WOG could not attend this particular gathering but Included in the gathering were two new women from a sister parish, St. Augustine in Barberton, Ohio whose hearts are now set on bringing the WOG Foundational Study to the women of their parish. Another of the new women attending is originally from Poland and shared her privilege of having been confirmed as a teen by Fr. Karol Józef Wojtył, a friend of her family, who became our Pope John Paul II.

On this cold, (17 degree) evening, these sacred sisters came together to embrace their new WOG sisters. This gathering fell on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the women were blessed to have a life size image of Our Lady of Guadalupe present and a speaker, Paul Petit, from their parish to teach us all about our Patroness. It was truly a blessed event."

For information about bringing the Women of Grace Study Program to your area, call 1-800-558-5452 ext. 2056 or click here.