Blog Post

Shows, Smiles, Conference, Miles

Just got home from a very busy two weeks. Father Edmund Sylvia, C.S.C., Tom Sullivan, and I myself were in production at EWTN for the next several weeks of programming for Women of Grace®. And those seven days of production put a big smile on my face. What a wonderful array of guests and topics! You will not want to miss them. They are (not in airing order):    
  • Porn and It's Addictive Reality - Love, Marriage, and Porn Addiction
  • A Vision Born of Love - Cenocolo: Hope, Healing, and New Life
  • JPII Champion of Women
  • Occult Fiction
  • Children in Jeopardy: Help for the Littlest of the Little
  • The Spiritual Battle: The Everyday Engagement
  • The Way to Sanctity: Hearing, Receiving, Acting
  • LIVE SHOW - 60 Min - Freed from Addiction: From Desperation to Hope
  • Saints to Inspire
One of the programs that our viewers found most inspiring and helpful was the live show we produced with EWTN on March 18. It featured Judy Landreau Klein and Mary Lou McCall both from New Orleans. This hard hitting show discussed a hard and difficult subject – substance abuse. With transparency and zeal, Mary Lou shared her own story as a recovering alcoholic; and both women candidly talked about their sons’ struggles with drug addiction. Faith, hope, spiritual direction, and the sacraments anchored both women during their troubled times. And God has used these same gifts to redirected the lives of their sons to sobriety. If you missed this insightful program, you can purchase it via our website . Following our days of production, I flew to St. Magdalen de Pazzi Catholic Church in Flemington, New Jersey for a one day women’s retreat sponsored by the Sisters of Jesus our Hope. One of our Women of Grace® facilitators, Jennie Stambro, worked with the sisters to make this day truly something special. I was graced to be invited and graced to be a part of it. My talks focused on the gift of the feminine person, who she is in the eyes of God, and how healing the wounds of our heart open us to experience the fullness of who we are and the abundant life God longs to give us.  Here is an audio clip of Rose Marie, a participant of the day who called our radio program, Women of Grace Live. Our God is, indeed, an awesome God! Women of Grace Live Radio Caller Rose Marie




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