Blog Post

Women of Grace Takes Lafayette by Storm!

We are always thrilled to hear the many wonderful things happening with Women of Grace® across the country.

Recently, the region of Lafayette has come in like a hurricane.  Regional Coordinator, Brenda Dooley, invited us to give a Facilitator Training day during Johnnette's recent participation in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans, Holy Spirit Women's Retreat.

Women of Grace Facilitator Training Day at Our Lady of the Rosary, Lafayette, LA Women of Grace Facilitator Training Day at Our Lady of the Rosary, Lafayette, LA

The day was blessed with strong participation, despite the record low temperatures and the rarest of ice storms.  Eleven women braved the sleet and ice covered roads to attend.  Already, Lafayette is reaping the fruit of the experience.

Facilitator Tamiko Chatman, pictured back center, recently called to let us know that her Lenten study group would be leading twenty five women through the Women of Grace Foundational Study series.  She has already led the group several times at her parish, Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Opelousas, LA and is excited to offer this opportunity to the women who wish to experience it during this Lenten season.

Karol Meynard and Trista Littell, from the Office of Pro-life Apostolate, Diocese of Lafayette, have shared some of their experiences leading a group of women, some of whom are post abortive, through the Women of Grace Study program during the Lenten season.  As they discussed chapter 3, "Praise and Thanksgiving, Petition and Contrition: Symphony of the Abundant Life," several them were inspired to compose personal prayers of praise to God.  Karol share the following beautiful prayer with us:

Gratitude is the Heart of Prayer Spouse of my soul I adore you and love you with all my heart, mind ,body, & soul. My spirit rejoices in the awesome moment when I am no longer held captive by the concerns of this world.  My heart is lifted to that timeless place where you dwell.  Here I stay for awhile; gazing at the beauty of your majesty. Here my spirit is renewed by the power of your loving presence. All is Grace... Praise and Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless Glory. Lord, I am, through you, more I.


Pastor, Rev. Father Michael J. Russo (Front Right); Parish Administrator, Stephanie Supple (Front Center); Regional Coordinator, Brendor Dooley (Back Left) Pastor, Rev. Father Michael J. Russo (Front Right); Parish Administrator, Stephanie Supple (Front Center); Regional Coordinator, Brendor Dooley (Back Left) and their amazing facilitators!

The eye of the storm hit when Stephanie Supple, Parish Administrator of Our Lady of Fatima Church in Lafayette, LA sent us the following praise report:

Father Michael Russo, Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church in Lafayette, LA chose to bring the WOG study to the women of his parish for the Lenten season of 2014. Greater than 180 women signed up for the program. The parish has launched the program with 144 women and will provide a Fall course for those women who did not make this class and many more who have inquired since that time. Our parish has been blessed abundantly to have so many women answer the Lord’s call. In addition, we give thanks for the 12 women of our parish who stepped up to become facilitators for our 12 groups of women.

The attached pictures show our group and their facilitators.

We thought Johnnette might want to include this on her Home page to encourage others to begin their own Church Parish program...

Women of Grace of Our Lady of Fatima, Lafayette, LA Women of Grace of Our Lady of Fatima, Lafayette, LA

May God bless you, Stephanie Supple Parish Administrator We thank God for all that He is is doing in and through Women of Grace® and all of the leaders - bishops, priests, men and women - who have given their "Fiat" to this program in their parishes and dioceses.

For more information about how you can bring Women of Grace® study program to your area or to plan a Facilitator Training in your region, please email us at or call 1-800-558-5452.