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Daily Gracelines - Lenten Journey with Mary - Day 13


Daily Gracelines - Lenten Journey with Mary - Day 13

Theme: Mary's sorrowing heart is the perfect "vehicle" to take us more deeply into the passion of Jesus, Our Lord.

Grace: I pray for the grace to enter deeply into the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by means of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

March 13:                   “God sends us joys before sorrows, to prepare our hearts; but the joys themselves contain prophesies of coming sorrows.”

--- Father Frederick Faber

For Reflection:            Consider the main events of Mary’s life as recorded in Scripture up to this present dolor. They are the Annunciation, The Nativity, The Flight into Egypt, The Presentation, The Loss and Finding of Jesus in the Temple. What is the joy contained in each? What is the prophesy of the sorrow contained in each? For what was God preparing Mary’s heart? Do you think it could also be true that the sorrow also prepares our heart for greater joy? Why might this be the case?

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