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Daily Gracelines - Lenten Journey with Mary - Day 32


Daily Gracelines - Lenten Journey with Mary - Day 32

Theme: Mary's sorrowing heart is the perfect "vehicle" to take us more deeply into the passion of Jesus, Our Lord.

Grace: I pray for the grace to enter deeply into the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by means of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

April 1:

Christ she saw, for our salvation

Scourged with cruel acclamation,

Bruised and beaten by the rod.

For Reflection:

 Henri Nouwen also tells us that waiting is active, not passive. It requires the gift of receptivity, an openess to that which God is doing in the midst of the waiting.

Meditate on the words “Christ she saw...” As this verse says, Mary’s eyes surely saw her Son’s physical condition while she gazed upon Him. But what else might Mary have been seeing as she held vigil at the foot of the Cross? What might she have seen God doing in the midst of this holocaust? What might He be doing as you “hold vigil” in your current waiting period?

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