Blog Post

With Each Hail Mary

October 31
Our Lady’s Rosary
   Dear Mother, I bring Thee roses
Because they are so sweet, But lilies, my favorite flowers I am placing at Thy feet.
Accept with each Hail Mary A rose for Thy crown so bright, Please don't forget the lilies, The lilies so pure and white.
Let them be a bond of love And understanding rare, And send a blessing from above In answer to my prayer.
Loneliness would be unknown If more people came to Thee, With their trials and sorrows And said their Rosary.
With each Hail Mary, they would find Their load much lighter grow, And in humility, kiss the cross In peace, would onward go.
-Alice W. Sparks
Today's Reflection: 
How has my load been made lighter this past month as I have prayed the Rosary? Am I willing to make the Rosary a daily prayer? Why or why not?
We invite you to share in a Novena of Masses offered throughout the month of November.

Please visit our website to include the names of your deceased loved ones that you would like remembered during our November Novena of Masses.