The greatest miracles happen in the heart where God alone dwells. The transformation on the inside is a work of God. Those who have walked and talked with God can look back on their lives with tears of thanksgiving for His amazing grace.
Miracles happen in other ways too if you have eyes to see. Miracles may set your heart soaring as on the wings of eagles. Miracles may cause you to shout from the rooftop, “Jesus is Lord!” They may rekindle your faith by remembering them as you silently pray, “Lord, May I never forget what you have done for me.” “How Great Thou Art” begins playing in your mind. You try but cannot resist breaking out into a song of praise. You want to tell the world, and so you do.
This is one of my stories. Many years ago while visiting my daughter, Tarolyn, I received a call for prayer. “Will you pray for my friend’s friend, she is considering an abortion.” I prayed right then and there over the phone, and I left the request in the hands of God.
I spent that weekend in St. Augustine visiting a friend, Anne. Sunday found us downtown at the Cathedral for Mass. As we exited the Church, Anne casually mentioned that the traveling image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was at their church. This is a reproduction of the tilma or mantle of Juan Diego that is imprinted with the Sacred Image of the Blessed Virgin. The imagine remains intact after more than 470 years.
“Do you want to go pray with our Lady?” Anne inquired. “Of course, I do!” I blurted out mid-way through her question. My heart leaped. Then she added, “We have to hurry Ellen because Mary has to journey on to her next destination within the hour.” I, who was never a runner, did my best to keep up the pace, jogging in my high heels. I did not want to miss this moment of grace.
As we entered the church hall, we spied the picture of Mary displayed in all her splendor. I knelt and began to pray out loud for three specific intentions, all concerning Motherhood. I knew Mary would understand. She too was a mother. I prayed for three specific people who were longing for a child; my daughter, Tarolyn, and two other mothers.
“Mother Mary, please intercede for Tarolyn to have a baby girl. Give these two women the baby they so long for.” I knew that Mary would kneel before the throne of God and beseech Him for my intentions. I finished my prayer with, “In Jesus' name Amen!” Then I stood up entrusting my prayer with my mother Mary.
What happened next could only have been orchestrated by the hand of God. A short time later Tarolyn was found to be with a child, a baby girl. One of the two mothers announced she was having a baby and we rejoiced in two answered prayers.
What about the third woman? God answered her prayer when she was asked by her priest if she would adopt a baby. What did she say? “Yes,” of course. Whose baby was it? As God would have it, it was the baby we prayed for to not be aborted! Only Jesus, through the prayers from His Mother’s heart, could have answered so miraculously.
Maybe you have a prayer on your heart that you are waiting to be answered. Ask Our Lady of Guadalupe to intercede. Then leave your prayer at her feet. Know that God is working out all things for your good. He may even be getting ready to do a miracle before your very eyes. Miracles happen! And the greatest miracles happen in your heart.
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