Happy February to you and your family, the month when we celebrate love, marriage, and the Holy Family!
Thank you for your continued partnership in our mission to transform the world one woman at a time. I'm so grateful for you!
You've probably noticed through all of our recent emails, social media posts, and programming, that we've been heavily focused on building up marriages and families throughout the month of February. They are so under attack and February is the perfect time to focus on these important topics. We hope that you have been able to participate in some of these offerings.
The scripture passage above reminds us, "when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for testing." Boy, do we know this to be true! Our staff and volunteers can attest to the fact that the more closely you work for this mission, the more testing you receive.
As one of our Women of Grace family members, I wanted to share a recent incident with you.
Last week, we were excitedly preparing for our Valentine's ONLINE Marriage Retreat. The team was busily putting the final touches on our plan and then, within 48 hours of the event, two of our key staff members (one of whom is my daughter who needed surgery) were taken out by illness. We considered alternatives and ended up having to reschedule the event. It was disappointing, to say the least.
But these situations are a stark reminder of how much the enemy HATES our work. If I were to list the many ways we experience his fury you would be astounded. From our entire radio studio being taken out during programs about abortion and pro-life issues. Through the years we have contended with hurricanes threatening to shut down events, sudden illness striking within hours of a major project, threatening letters received from Satanists, witches, and new agers who oppose our message of truth, and even office equipment and plumbing malfunctioning without provocation! The enemy HATES the work we do.
Fortunately, we've been at this for nearly 35 years. We won't let him stop us. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, straighten our armor, and get back on the horse, charging forward in Christ's mission.
The reason I am telling you this is that your prayers, as much as your financial support, are essential for us. This mission will NOT continue without YOU. I cannot thank you enough. Know that you are always in our prayers.
May the abundant life of Jesus Christ be yours and may God bless you!
With deepest gratitude and affection, Johnnette Benkovic Williams Founder and President
P.S. Please be sure to visit womenofgrace.com/events to view all of our upcoming events and updates about the Marriage Retreat.