Blog Post

To save a life

June 22nd
“To give life to someone is the greatest of all gifts. To save a life is the next. Who gave life to Jesus? It was Mary. Who saved his life? It was Joseph. Ask St. Paul who persecuted him. Ask St. Peter who denied him. Ask all the saints who put him to death. But if we ask, ‘Who saved his life?’ Be silent, patriarchs, be silent, prophets, be silent, apostles, confessors, and martyrs. Let St. Joseph speak, for this honor is his alone; he along is the savior of his Savior.”
-Blessed William Joseph Chaminade
Today’s Reflection:
Let us pray this Petition for St. Joseph’s blessing. Follow this prayer with the Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory Be, prayed three times, in thanksgiving to God for the graces and prerogatives bestowed on St. Joseph.
Bless me, O dearly beloved father, St. Joseph; bless my body and my soul; bless my resolutions, my words and deeds, all my actions and omissions, my every step; bless all that I possess, all my interior and exterior goods, that all may redound to the greater honor of God. Bless me for time and eternity, and preserve me from every sin. Obtain for me the grace to make atonement for all my sins by love and contrition here on earth, so that after my last breath I may, without delay, prostrate at thy feet and return thee thanks in heaven for all the love and goodness thou, O dearest father, hast shown me here below. Amen.

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